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KC Hankins

With Pride

June 12th, 2021

It’s been 5 years since the Pulse NightClub shooting in 2016.

After that shooting I’ll never forget reading the responses/coverage of that night. An elected official tweeted “you reap what you sow.” Many tried to separate the shooting violence from the queer hate. Some stayed silent. Nothing has changed in this country as we continue to have mass shooting after mass shooting, with no end in sight.

Today is also the first day of Early Voting in NYC and I just want to remind everyone you can’t have one without the other.

Pride is political. Our community has always been and still is under attack. Our struggles are all interconnected; the struggles for queer liberation, racial equity, gun control, economic stability and so much more are all political and they are all connected.

The powerful voting block that is the LGBTQ+ community & our allies must make sure our leaders don’t forget us. We cannot allow them to have Rainbows on logos while obstructing the Equality Act and gun control legislation or continuing to march in a parade that excludes us.

Teachers and students at my school were asked to share what Pride means to us. I felt it was important to also share with kids that Pride is so much more than just self love and inclusion, but pride is a radical political act. I wrote this poem for the students at my school about what Pride means to me.

What is Pride?

Pride is love.

Pride is a Civil Rights movement.

Pride is inclusion

Pride is a celebration of how far we have come

Pride is a remembrance of our history

Pride is a radical act of resistance

Pride is the Stonewall Uprising

Pride is Martia P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera

Pride is political

Pride is a fight for fair and equal treatment under the law

Pride is the repeal of “Don’’t ask Don’t Tell”

Pride is the continued fight to pass the Equality Act

Pride is advocating for gun control laws in honor of the 49 lives lost at Pulse

Pride is Harvey Milk, Senator Jabari Brisport and Sec. Pete Buttigege.

Pride is community

Pride is chosen family

Pride is Laverne Cox, Bayard Rustin, Lil Nas X and James Baldwin

Pride is our LGBTQ+ Students and staff

Pride is everywhere

Pride is everyone

& Pride is everything.

With Pride,


Photo by Kyle O'Leary

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